
150 lines
4.9 KiB

"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.getChildMapping = getChildMapping;
exports.mergeChildMappings = mergeChildMappings;
exports.getInitialChildMapping = getInitialChildMapping;
exports.getNextChildMapping = getNextChildMapping;
var _react = require("react");
* Given `this.props.children`, return an object mapping key to child.
* @param {*} children `this.props.children`
* @return {object} Mapping of key to child
function getChildMapping(children, mapFn) {
var mapper = function mapper(child) {
return mapFn && (0, _react.isValidElement)(child) ? mapFn(child) : child;
var result = Object.create(null);
if (children), function (c) {
return c;
}).forEach(function (child) {
// run the map function here instead so that the key is the computed one
result[child.key] = mapper(child);
return result;
* When you're adding or removing children some may be added or removed in the
* same render pass. We want to show *both* since we want to simultaneously
* animate elements in and out. This function takes a previous set of keys
* and a new set of keys and merges them with its best guess of the correct
* ordering. In the future we may expose some of the utilities in
* ReactMultiChild to make this easy, but for now React itself does not
* directly have this concept of the union of prevChildren and nextChildren
* so we implement it here.
* @param {object} prev prev children as returned from
* `ReactTransitionChildMapping.getChildMapping()`.
* @param {object} next next children as returned from
* `ReactTransitionChildMapping.getChildMapping()`.
* @return {object} a key set that contains all keys in `prev` and all keys
* in `next` in a reasonable order.
function mergeChildMappings(prev, next) {
prev = prev || {};
next = next || {};
function getValueForKey(key) {
return key in next ? next[key] : prev[key];
} // For each key of `next`, the list of keys to insert before that key in
// the combined list
var nextKeysPending = Object.create(null);
var pendingKeys = [];
for (var prevKey in prev) {
if (prevKey in next) {
if (pendingKeys.length) {
nextKeysPending[prevKey] = pendingKeys;
pendingKeys = [];
} else {
var i;
var childMapping = {};
for (var nextKey in next) {
if (nextKeysPending[nextKey]) {
for (i = 0; i < nextKeysPending[nextKey].length; i++) {
var pendingNextKey = nextKeysPending[nextKey][i];
childMapping[nextKeysPending[nextKey][i]] = getValueForKey(pendingNextKey);
childMapping[nextKey] = getValueForKey(nextKey);
} // Finally, add the keys which didn't appear before any key in `next`
for (i = 0; i < pendingKeys.length; i++) {
childMapping[pendingKeys[i]] = getValueForKey(pendingKeys[i]);
return childMapping;
function getProp(child, prop, props) {
return props[prop] != null ? props[prop] : child.props[prop];
function getInitialChildMapping(props, onExited) {
return getChildMapping(props.children, function (child) {
return (0, _react.cloneElement)(child, {
onExited: onExited.bind(null, child),
in: true,
appear: getProp(child, 'appear', props),
enter: getProp(child, 'enter', props),
exit: getProp(child, 'exit', props)
function getNextChildMapping(nextProps, prevChildMapping, onExited) {
var nextChildMapping = getChildMapping(nextProps.children);
var children = mergeChildMappings(prevChildMapping, nextChildMapping);
Object.keys(children).forEach(function (key) {
var child = children[key];
if (!(0, _react.isValidElement)(child)) return;
var hasPrev = (key in prevChildMapping);
var hasNext = (key in nextChildMapping);
var prevChild = prevChildMapping[key];
var isLeaving = (0, _react.isValidElement)(prevChild) && !; // item is new (entering)
if (hasNext && (!hasPrev || isLeaving)) {
// console.log('entering', key)
children[key] = (0, _react.cloneElement)(child, {
onExited: onExited.bind(null, child),
in: true,
exit: getProp(child, 'exit', nextProps),
enter: getProp(child, 'enter', nextProps)
} else if (!hasNext && hasPrev && !isLeaving) {
// item is old (exiting)
// console.log('leaving', key)
children[key] = (0, _react.cloneElement)(child, {
in: false
} else if (hasNext && hasPrev && (0, _react.isValidElement)(prevChild)) {
// item hasn't changed transition states
// copy over the last transition props;
// console.log('unchanged', key)
children[key] = (0, _react.cloneElement)(child, {
onExited: onExited.bind(null, child),
exit: getProp(child, 'exit', nextProps),
enter: getProp(child, 'enter', nextProps)
return children;