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export interface InputLabelClasses {
/** Styles applied to the root element. */
root: string;
/** State class applied to the root element if `focused={true}`. */
focused: string;
/** State class applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */
disabled: string;
/** State class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */
error: string;
/** State class applied to the root element if `required={true}`. */
required: string;
/** State class applied to the asterisk element. */
asterisk: string;
/** Styles applied to the root element if the component is a descendant of `FormControl`. */
formControl: string;
/** Styles applied to the root element if `size="small"`. */
sizeSmall: string;
/** Styles applied to the input element if `shrink={true}`. */
shrink: string;
/** Styles applied to the input element unless `disableAnimation={true}`. */
animated: string;
/** Styles applied to the root element if `variant="filled"`. */
filled: string;
/** Styles applied to the root element if `variant="outlined"`. */
outlined: string;
/** Styles applied to the root element if `variant="standard"`. */
standard: string;
export type InputLabelClassKey = keyof InputLabelClasses;
export declare function getInputLabelUtilityClasses(slot: string): string;
declare const inputLabelClasses: InputLabelClasses;
export default inputLabelClasses;