import css from './css'; import hyphenate from './hyphenate'; import isTransform from './isTransform'; import transitionEnd from './transitionEnd'; var reset = { transition: '', 'transition-duration': '', 'transition-delay': '', 'transition-timing-function': '' }; // super lean animate function for transitions // doesn't support all translations to keep it matching the jquery API /** * code in part from: Zepto 1.1.4 | */ function _animate(_ref) { var node = _ref.node, properties =, _ref$duration = _ref.duration, duration = _ref$duration === void 0 ? 200 : _ref$duration, easing = _ref.easing, callback = _ref.callback; var cssProperties = []; var cssValues = {}; var transforms = ''; Object.keys(properties).forEach(function (key) { var value = properties[key]; if (isTransform(key)) transforms += key + "(" + value + ") ";else { cssValues[key] = value; cssProperties.push(hyphenate(key)); } }); if (transforms) { cssValues.transform = transforms; cssProperties.push('transform'); } function done(event) { if ( !== event.currentTarget) return; css(node, reset); if (callback), event); } if (duration > 0) { cssValues.transition = cssProperties.join(', '); cssValues['transition-duration'] = duration / 1000 + "s"; cssValues['transition-delay'] = '0s'; cssValues['transition-timing-function'] = easing || 'linear'; } var removeListener = transitionEnd(node, done, duration); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions node.clientLeft; // trigger page reflow css(node, cssValues); return { cancel: function cancel() { removeListener(); css(node, reset); } }; } function animate(nodeOrOptions, properties, duration, easing, callback) { if (!('nodeType' in nodeOrOptions)) { return _animate(nodeOrOptions); } if (!properties) { throw new Error('must include properties to animate'); } if (typeof easing === 'function') { callback = easing; easing = ''; } return _animate({ node: nodeOrOptions, properties: properties, duration: duration, easing: easing, callback: callback }); } export default animate;