import * as CSS from 'csstype'; import { StyledComponent, StyledOptions } from '@emotion/styled'; import { PropsOf } from '@emotion/react'; export * from '@emotion/styled'; export { default } from '@emotion/styled'; export { ThemeContext, keyframes, css } from '@emotion/react'; export { default as StyledEngineProvider } from './StyledEngineProvider'; export { default as GlobalStyles } from './GlobalStyles'; export * from './GlobalStyles'; export type MUIStyledComponent< ComponentProps extends {}, SpecificComponentProps extends {} = {}, JSXProps extends {} = {}, > = StyledComponent; /** * For internal usage in `@mui/system` package */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention export function internal_processStyles( tag: React.ElementType, processor: (styles: any) => any, ): void; export interface SerializedStyles { name: string; styles: string; map?: string; next?: SerializedStyles; } export type CSSProperties = CSS.PropertiesFallback; export type CSSPropertiesWithMultiValues = { [K in keyof CSSProperties]: CSSProperties[K] | ReadonlyArray>; }; // TODO v6 - check if we can drop the unknown, as it breaks the autocomplete // For more info on why it was added, see export type CSSPseudos = { [K in CSS.Pseudos]?: unknown | CSSObject }; // TODO v6 - check if we can drop the unknown, as it breaks the autocomplete // For more info on why it was added, see export interface CSSOthersObject { [propertiesName: string]: unknown | CSSInterpolation; } export type CSSPseudosForCSSObject = { [K in CSS.Pseudos]?: CSSObject }; export interface ArrayCSSInterpolation extends ReadonlyArray {} export interface CSSOthersObjectForCSSObject { [propertiesName: string]: CSSInterpolation; } // Omit variants as a key, because we have a special handling for it export interface CSSObject extends CSSPropertiesWithMultiValues, CSSPseudos, Omit {} interface CSSObjectWithVariants extends Omit { variants: Array<{ props: Props | ((props: Props) => boolean); style: CSSObject; }>; } export interface ComponentSelector { __emotion_styles: any; } export type Keyframes = { name: string; styles: string; anim: number; toString: () => string; } & string; export type Equal = A extends B ? (B extends A ? T : F) : F; export type InterpolationPrimitive = | null | undefined | boolean | number | string | ComponentSelector | Keyframes | SerializedStyles | CSSObject; export type CSSInterpolation = InterpolationPrimitive | ArrayCSSInterpolation; export interface FunctionInterpolation { (props: Props): Interpolation; } export interface ArrayInterpolation extends ReadonlyArray> {} export type Interpolation = | InterpolationPrimitive | CSSObjectWithVariants | ArrayInterpolation | FunctionInterpolation; export function shouldForwardProp(propName: PropertyKey): boolean; /** Same as StyledOptions but shouldForwardProp must be a type guard */ export interface FilteringStyledOptions { label?: string; shouldForwardProp?(propName: PropertyKey): propName is ForwardedProps; target?: string; } /** * @typeparam ComponentProps Props which will be included when withComponent is called * @typeparam SpecificComponentProps Props which will *not* be included when withComponent is called */ export interface CreateStyledComponent< ComponentProps extends {}, SpecificComponentProps extends {} = {}, JSXProps extends {} = {}, T extends object = {}, > { ( ...styles: Array> ): StyledComponent; /** * @typeparam AdditionalProps Additional props to add to your styled component */ ( ...styles: Array< Interpolation > ): StyledComponent; ( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...styles: Array> ): StyledComponent; /** * @typeparam AdditionalProps Additional props to add to your styled component */ ( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...styles: Array< Interpolation > ): StyledComponent; } export interface CreateMUIStyled< MUIStyledCommonProps extends {}, MuiStyledOptions, Theme extends object, > { < C extends React.ComponentClass>, ForwardedProps extends keyof React.ComponentProps = keyof React.ComponentProps, >( component: C, options: FilteringStyledOptions, ForwardedProps> & MuiStyledOptions, ): CreateStyledComponent< Pick, ForwardedProps> & MUIStyledCommonProps, {}, { ref?: React.Ref>; }, Theme >; >>( component: C, options?: StyledOptions & MUIStyledCommonProps> & MuiStyledOptions, ): CreateStyledComponent< PropsOf & MUIStyledCommonProps, {}, { ref?: React.Ref>; }, Theme >; < C extends React.JSXElementConstructor>, ForwardedProps extends keyof React.ComponentProps = keyof React.ComponentProps, >( component: C, options: FilteringStyledOptions, ForwardedProps> & MuiStyledOptions, ): CreateStyledComponent, ForwardedProps> & MUIStyledCommonProps, {}, {}, Theme>; >>( component: C, options?: StyledOptions & MUIStyledCommonProps> & MuiStyledOptions, ): CreateStyledComponent & MUIStyledCommonProps, {}, {}, Theme>; < Tag extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements, ForwardedProps extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] = keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag], >( tag: Tag, options: FilteringStyledOptions & MuiStyledOptions, ): CreateStyledComponent< MUIStyledCommonProps, Pick, {}, Theme >; ( tag: Tag, options?: StyledOptions & MuiStyledOptions, ): CreateStyledComponent; }