'use client'; import _slicedToArray from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/slicedToArray"; import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties"; import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty"; import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import * as React from 'react'; import { isFragment } from 'react-is'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import composeClasses from '@mui/utils/composeClasses'; import useTimeout from '@mui/utils/useTimeout'; import clamp from '@mui/utils/clamp'; import styled from '../styles/styled'; import useThemeProps from '../styles/useThemeProps'; import useTheme from '../styles/useTheme'; import Zoom from '../Zoom'; import Fab from '../Fab'; import capitalize from '../utils/capitalize'; import isMuiElement from '../utils/isMuiElement'; import useForkRef from '../utils/useForkRef'; import useControlled from '../utils/useControlled'; import speedDialClasses, { getSpeedDialUtilityClass } from './speedDialClasses'; import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime"; import { jsxs as _jsxs } from "react/jsx-runtime"; var useUtilityClasses = function useUtilityClasses(ownerState) { var classes = ownerState.classes, open = ownerState.open, direction = ownerState.direction; var slots = { root: ['root', "direction".concat(capitalize(direction))], fab: ['fab'], actions: ['actions', !open && 'actionsClosed'] }; return composeClasses(slots, getSpeedDialUtilityClass, classes); }; function getOrientation(direction) { if (direction === 'up' || direction === 'down') { return 'vertical'; } if (direction === 'right' || direction === 'left') { return 'horizontal'; } return undefined; } var dialRadius = 32; var spacingActions = 16; var SpeedDialRoot = styled('div', { name: 'MuiSpeedDial', slot: 'Root', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { var ownerState = props.ownerState; return [styles.root, styles["direction".concat(capitalize(ownerState.direction))]]; } })(function (_ref) { var theme = _ref.theme, ownerState = _ref.ownerState; return _extends({ zIndex: (theme.vars || theme).zIndex.speedDial, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', pointerEvents: 'none' }, ownerState.direction === 'up' && _defineProperty({ flexDirection: 'column-reverse' }, "& .".concat(speedDialClasses.actions), { flexDirection: 'column-reverse', marginBottom: -dialRadius, paddingBottom: spacingActions + dialRadius }), ownerState.direction === 'down' && _defineProperty({ flexDirection: 'column' }, "& .".concat(speedDialClasses.actions), { flexDirection: 'column', marginTop: -dialRadius, paddingTop: spacingActions + dialRadius }), ownerState.direction === 'left' && _defineProperty({ flexDirection: 'row-reverse' }, "& .".concat(speedDialClasses.actions), { flexDirection: 'row-reverse', marginRight: -dialRadius, paddingRight: spacingActions + dialRadius }), ownerState.direction === 'right' && _defineProperty({ flexDirection: 'row' }, "& .".concat(speedDialClasses.actions), { flexDirection: 'row', marginLeft: -dialRadius, paddingLeft: spacingActions + dialRadius })); }); var SpeedDialFab = styled(Fab, { name: 'MuiSpeedDial', slot: 'Fab', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.fab; } })(function () { return { pointerEvents: 'auto' }; }); var SpeedDialActions = styled('div', { name: 'MuiSpeedDial', slot: 'Actions', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { var ownerState = props.ownerState; return [styles.actions, !ownerState.open && styles.actionsClosed]; } })(function (_ref6) { var ownerState = _ref6.ownerState; return _extends({ display: 'flex', pointerEvents: 'auto' }, !ownerState.open && { transition: 'top 0s linear 0.2s', pointerEvents: 'none' }); }); var SpeedDial = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function SpeedDial(inProps, ref) { var props = useThemeProps({ props: inProps, name: 'MuiSpeedDial' }); var theme = useTheme(); var defaultTransitionDuration = { enter: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen, exit: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen }; var ariaLabel = props.ariaLabel, _props$FabProps = props.FabProps, _props$FabProps2 = _props$FabProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$FabProps, origDialButtonRef = _props$FabProps2.ref, FabProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_props$FabProps2, ["ref"]), childrenProp = props.children, className = props.className, _props$direction = props.direction, direction = _props$direction === void 0 ? 'up' : _props$direction, _props$hidden = props.hidden, hidden = _props$hidden === void 0 ? false : _props$hidden, icon = props.icon, onBlur = props.onBlur, onClose = props.onClose, onFocus = props.onFocus, onKeyDown = props.onKeyDown, onMouseEnter = props.onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave = props.onMouseLeave, onOpen = props.onOpen, openProp = props.open, openIcon = props.openIcon, _props$TransitionComp = props.TransitionComponent, TransitionComponent = _props$TransitionComp === void 0 ? Zoom : _props$TransitionComp, _props$transitionDura = props.transitionDuration, transitionDuration = _props$transitionDura === void 0 ? defaultTransitionDuration : _props$transitionDura, TransitionProps = props.TransitionProps, other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["ariaLabel", "FabProps", "children", "className", "direction", "hidden", "icon", "onBlur", "onClose", "onFocus", "onKeyDown", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onOpen", "open", "openIcon", "TransitionComponent", "transitionDuration", "TransitionProps"]); var _useControlled = useControlled({ controlled: openProp, default: false, name: 'SpeedDial', state: 'open' }), _useControlled2 = _slicedToArray(_useControlled, 2), open = _useControlled2[0], setOpenState = _useControlled2[1]; var ownerState = _extends({}, props, { open: open, direction: direction }); var classes = useUtilityClasses(ownerState); var eventTimer = useTimeout(); /** * an index in actions.current */ var focusedAction = React.useRef(0); /** * pressing this key while the focus is on a child SpeedDialAction focuses * the next SpeedDialAction. * It is equal to the first arrow key pressed while focus is on the SpeedDial * that is not orthogonal to the direction. * @type {utils.ArrowKey?} */ var nextItemArrowKey = React.useRef(); /** * refs to the Button that have an action associated to them in this SpeedDial * [Fab, ...(SpeedDialActions > Button)] * @type {HTMLButtonElement[]} */ var actions = React.useRef([]); actions.current = [actions.current[0]]; var handleOwnFabRef = React.useCallback(function (fabFef) { actions.current[0] = fabFef; }, []); var handleFabRef = useForkRef(origDialButtonRef, handleOwnFabRef); /** * creates a ref callback for the Button in a SpeedDialAction * Is called before the original ref callback for Button that was set in buttonProps * * @param dialActionIndex {number} * @param origButtonRef {React.RefObject?} */ var createHandleSpeedDialActionButtonRef = function createHandleSpeedDialActionButtonRef(dialActionIndex, origButtonRef) { return function (buttonRef) { actions.current[dialActionIndex + 1] = buttonRef; if (origButtonRef) { origButtonRef(buttonRef); } }; }; var handleKeyDown = function handleKeyDown(event) { if (onKeyDown) { onKeyDown(event); } var key = event.key.replace('Arrow', '').toLowerCase(); var _nextItemArrowKey$cur = nextItemArrowKey.current, nextItemArrowKeyCurrent = _nextItemArrowKey$cur === void 0 ? key : _nextItemArrowKey$cur; if (event.key === 'Escape') { setOpenState(false); actions.current[0].focus(); if (onClose) { onClose(event, 'escapeKeyDown'); } return; } if (getOrientation(key) === getOrientation(nextItemArrowKeyCurrent) && getOrientation(key) !== undefined) { event.preventDefault(); var actionStep = key === nextItemArrowKeyCurrent ? 1 : -1; // stay within array indices var nextAction = clamp(focusedAction.current + actionStep, 0, actions.current.length - 1); actions.current[nextAction].focus(); focusedAction.current = nextAction; nextItemArrowKey.current = nextItemArrowKeyCurrent; } }; React.useEffect(function () { // actions were closed while navigation state was not reset if (!open) { focusedAction.current = 0; nextItemArrowKey.current = undefined; } }, [open]); var handleClose = function handleClose(event) { if (event.type === 'mouseleave' && onMouseLeave) { onMouseLeave(event); } if (event.type === 'blur' && onBlur) { onBlur(event); } eventTimer.clear(); if (event.type === 'blur') { eventTimer.start(0, function () { setOpenState(false); if (onClose) { onClose(event, 'blur'); } }); } else { setOpenState(false); if (onClose) { onClose(event, 'mouseLeave'); } } }; var handleClick = function handleClick(event) { if (FabProps.onClick) { FabProps.onClick(event); } eventTimer.clear(); if (open) { setOpenState(false); if (onClose) { onClose(event, 'toggle'); } } else { setOpenState(true); if (onOpen) { onOpen(event, 'toggle'); } } }; var handleOpen = function handleOpen(event) { if (event.type === 'mouseenter' && onMouseEnter) { onMouseEnter(event); } if (event.type === 'focus' && onFocus) { onFocus(event); } // When moving the focus between two items, // a chain if blur and focus event is triggered. // We only handle the last event. eventTimer.clear(); if (!open) { // Wait for a future focus or click event eventTimer.start(0, function () { setOpenState(true); if (onOpen) { var eventMap = { focus: 'focus', mouseenter: 'mouseEnter' }; onOpen(event, eventMap[event.type]); } }); } }; // Filter the label for valid id characters. var id = ariaLabel.replace(/^[^a-z]+|[^\w:.-]+/gi, ''); var allItems = React.Children.toArray(childrenProp).filter(function (child) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (isFragment(child)) { console.error(["MUI: The SpeedDial component doesn't accept a Fragment as a child.", 'Consider providing an array instead.'].join('\n')); } } return /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(child); }); var children = allItems.map(function (child, index) { var _child$props = child.props, _child$props$FabProps = _child$props.FabProps, _child$props$FabProps2 = _child$props$FabProps === void 0 ? {} : _child$props$FabProps, origButtonRef = _child$props$FabProps2.ref, ChildFabProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_child$props$FabProps2, ["ref"]), tooltipPlacementProp = _child$props.tooltipPlacement; var tooltipPlacement = tooltipPlacementProp || (getOrientation(direction) === 'vertical' ? 'left' : 'top'); return /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(child, { FabProps: _extends({}, ChildFabProps, { ref: createHandleSpeedDialActionButtonRef(index, origButtonRef) }), delay: 30 * (open ? index : allItems.length - index), open: open, tooltipPlacement: tooltipPlacement, id: "".concat(id, "-action-").concat(index) }); }); return /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(SpeedDialRoot, _extends({ className: clsx(classes.root, className), ref: ref, role: "presentation", onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onBlur: handleClose, onFocus: handleOpen, onMouseEnter: handleOpen, onMouseLeave: handleClose, ownerState: ownerState }, other, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/_jsx(TransitionComponent, _extends({ in: !hidden, timeout: transitionDuration, unmountOnExit: true }, TransitionProps, { children: /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SpeedDialFab, _extends({ color: "primary", "aria-label": ariaLabel, "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-expanded": open, "aria-controls": "".concat(id, "-actions") }, FabProps, { onClick: handleClick, className: clsx(classes.fab, FabProps.className), ref: handleFabRef, ownerState: ownerState, children: /*#__PURE__*/React.isValidElement(icon) && isMuiElement(icon, ['SpeedDialIcon']) ? /*#__PURE__*/React.cloneElement(icon, { open: open }) : icon })) })), /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(SpeedDialActions, { id: "".concat(id, "-actions"), role: "menu", "aria-orientation": getOrientation(direction), className: clsx(classes.actions, !open && classes.actionsClosed), ownerState: ownerState, children: children })] })); }); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? SpeedDial.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = { // ┌────────────────────────────── Warning ──────────────────────────────┐ // │ These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions. │ // │ To update them, edit the d.ts file and run `pnpm proptypes`. │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ /** * The aria-label of the button element. * Also used to provide the `id` for the `SpeedDial` element and its children. */ ariaLabel: PropTypes.string.isRequired, /** * SpeedDialActions to display when the SpeedDial is `open`. */ children: PropTypes.node, /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes: PropTypes.object, /** * @ignore */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * The direction the actions open relative to the floating action button. * @default 'up' */ direction: PropTypes.oneOf(['down', 'left', 'right', 'up']), /** * Props applied to the [`Fab`](/material-ui/api/fab/) element. * @default {} */ FabProps: PropTypes.object, /** * If `true`, the SpeedDial is hidden. * @default false */ hidden: PropTypes.bool, /** * The icon to display in the SpeedDial Fab. The `SpeedDialIcon` component * provides a default Icon with animation. */ icon: PropTypes.node, /** * @ignore */ onBlur: PropTypes.func, /** * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed. * * @param {object} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"toggle"`, `"blur"`, `"mouseLeave"`, `"escapeKeyDown"`. */ onClose: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onFocus: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onKeyDown: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onMouseEnter: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onMouseLeave: PropTypes.func, /** * Callback fired when the component requests to be open. * * @param {object} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"toggle"`, `"focus"`, `"mouseEnter"`. */ onOpen: PropTypes.func, /** * If `true`, the component is shown. */ open: PropTypes.bool, /** * The icon to display in the SpeedDial Fab when the SpeedDial is open. */ openIcon: PropTypes.node, /** * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. */ sx: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool])), PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]), /** * The component used for the transition. * [Follow this guide](/material-ui/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component. * @default Zoom */ TransitionComponent: PropTypes.elementType, /** * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds. * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object. * @default { * enter: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen, * exit: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen, * } */ transitionDuration: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.shape({ appear: PropTypes.number, enter: PropTypes.number, exit: PropTypes.number })]), /** * Props applied to the transition element. * By default, the element is based on this [`Transition`](https://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/transition/) component. */ TransitionProps: PropTypes.object } : void 0; export default SpeedDial;