'use client'; import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties"; import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty"; var _styled, _ClearIcon, _ArrowDropDownIcon; import * as React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import integerPropType from '@mui/utils/integerPropType'; import chainPropTypes from '@mui/utils/chainPropTypes'; import { useAutocomplete, createFilterOptions } from '@mui/base'; import composeClasses from '@mui/utils/composeClasses'; import { alpha } from '@mui/system/colorManipulator'; import Popper from '../Popper'; import ListSubheader from '../ListSubheader'; import Paper from '../Paper'; import IconButton from '../IconButton'; import Chip from '../Chip'; import inputClasses from '../Input/inputClasses'; import inputBaseClasses from '../InputBase/inputBaseClasses'; import outlinedInputClasses from '../OutlinedInput/outlinedInputClasses'; import filledInputClasses from '../FilledInput/filledInputClasses'; import ClearIcon from '../internal/svg-icons/Close'; import ArrowDropDownIcon from '../internal/svg-icons/ArrowDropDown'; import { styled, createUseThemeProps } from '../zero-styled'; import autocompleteClasses, { getAutocompleteUtilityClass } from './autocompleteClasses'; import capitalize from '../utils/capitalize'; import useForkRef from '../utils/useForkRef'; import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime"; import { jsxs as _jsxs } from "react/jsx-runtime"; import { createElement as _createElement } from "react"; var useThemeProps = createUseThemeProps('MuiAutocomplete'); var useUtilityClasses = function useUtilityClasses(ownerState) { var classes = ownerState.classes, disablePortal = ownerState.disablePortal, expanded = ownerState.expanded, focused = ownerState.focused, fullWidth = ownerState.fullWidth, hasClearIcon = ownerState.hasClearIcon, hasPopupIcon = ownerState.hasPopupIcon, inputFocused = ownerState.inputFocused, popupOpen = ownerState.popupOpen, size = ownerState.size; var slots = { root: ['root', expanded && 'expanded', focused && 'focused', fullWidth && 'fullWidth', hasClearIcon && 'hasClearIcon', hasPopupIcon && 'hasPopupIcon'], inputRoot: ['inputRoot'], input: ['input', inputFocused && 'inputFocused'], tag: ['tag', "tagSize".concat(capitalize(size))], endAdornment: ['endAdornment'], clearIndicator: ['clearIndicator'], popupIndicator: ['popupIndicator', popupOpen && 'popupIndicatorOpen'], popper: ['popper', disablePortal && 'popperDisablePortal'], paper: ['paper'], listbox: ['listbox'], loading: ['loading'], noOptions: ['noOptions'], option: ['option'], groupLabel: ['groupLabel'], groupUl: ['groupUl'] }; return composeClasses(slots, getAutocompleteUtilityClass, classes); }; var AutocompleteRoot = styled('div', { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'Root', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { var ownerState = props.ownerState; var fullWidth = ownerState.fullWidth, hasClearIcon = ownerState.hasClearIcon, hasPopupIcon = ownerState.hasPopupIcon, inputFocused = ownerState.inputFocused, size = ownerState.size; return [_defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.tag), styles.tag), _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.tag), styles["tagSize".concat(capitalize(size))]), _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.inputRoot), styles.inputRoot), _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), styles.input), _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), inputFocused && styles.inputFocused), styles.root, fullWidth && styles.fullWidth, hasPopupIcon && styles.hasPopupIcon, hasClearIcon && styles.hasClearIcon]; } })((_styled = {}, _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_styled, "&.".concat(autocompleteClasses.focused, " .").concat(autocompleteClasses.clearIndicator), { visibility: 'visible' }), '@media (pointer: fine)', _defineProperty({}, "&:hover .".concat(autocompleteClasses.clearIndicator), { visibility: 'visible' })), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.tag), { margin: 3, maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 6px)' }), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.inputRoot), _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty({ flexWrap: 'wrap' }, ".".concat(autocompleteClasses.hasPopupIcon, "&, .").concat(autocompleteClasses.hasClearIcon, "&"), { paddingRight: 26 + 4 }), ".".concat(autocompleteClasses.hasPopupIcon, ".").concat(autocompleteClasses.hasClearIcon, "&"), { paddingRight: 52 + 4 }), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { width: 0, minWidth: 30 })), "& .".concat(inputClasses.root), { paddingBottom: 1, '& .MuiInput-input': { padding: '4px 4px 4px 0px' } }), "& .".concat(inputClasses.root, ".").concat(inputBaseClasses.sizeSmall), _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(inputClasses.input), { padding: '2px 4px 3px 0' })), "& .".concat(outlinedInputClasses.root), _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty({ padding: 9 }, ".".concat(autocompleteClasses.hasPopupIcon, "&, .").concat(autocompleteClasses.hasClearIcon, "&"), { paddingRight: 26 + 4 + 9 }), ".".concat(autocompleteClasses.hasPopupIcon, ".").concat(autocompleteClasses.hasClearIcon, "&"), { paddingRight: 52 + 4 + 9 }), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { padding: '7.5px 4px 7.5px 5px' }), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.endAdornment), { right: 9 })), "& .".concat(outlinedInputClasses.root, ".").concat(inputBaseClasses.sizeSmall), _defineProperty({ // Don't specify paddingRight, as it overrides the default value set when there is only // one of the popup or clear icon as the specificity is equal so the latter one wins paddingTop: 6, paddingBottom: 6, paddingLeft: 6 }, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { padding: '2.5px 4px 2.5px 8px' })), "& .".concat(filledInputClasses.root), _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty({ paddingTop: 19, paddingLeft: 8 }, ".".concat(autocompleteClasses.hasPopupIcon, "&, .").concat(autocompleteClasses.hasClearIcon, "&"), { paddingRight: 26 + 4 + 9 }), ".".concat(autocompleteClasses.hasPopupIcon, ".").concat(autocompleteClasses.hasClearIcon, "&"), { paddingRight: 52 + 4 + 9 }), "& .".concat(filledInputClasses.input), { padding: '7px 4px' }), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.endAdornment), { right: 9 })), "& .".concat(filledInputClasses.root, ".").concat(inputBaseClasses.sizeSmall), _defineProperty({ paddingBottom: 1 }, "& .".concat(filledInputClasses.input), { padding: '2.5px 4px' })), _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_styled, "& .".concat(inputBaseClasses.hiddenLabel), { paddingTop: 8 }), "& .".concat(filledInputClasses.root, ".").concat(inputBaseClasses.hiddenLabel), _defineProperty({ paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0 }, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { paddingTop: 16, paddingBottom: 17 })), "& .".concat(filledInputClasses.root, ".").concat(inputBaseClasses.hiddenLabel, ".").concat(inputBaseClasses.sizeSmall), _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { paddingTop: 8, paddingBottom: 9 })), "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { flexGrow: 1, textOverflow: 'ellipsis', opacity: 0 }), "variants", [{ props: { fullWidth: true }, style: { width: '100%' } }, { props: { size: 'small' }, style: _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.tag), { margin: 2, maxWidth: 'calc(100% - 4px)' }) }, { props: { inputFocused: true }, style: _defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.input), { opacity: 1 }) }]))); var AutocompleteEndAdornment = styled('div', { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'EndAdornment', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.endAdornment; } })({ // We use a position absolute to support wrapping tags. position: 'absolute', right: 0, top: '50%', transform: 'translate(0, -50%)' }); var AutocompleteClearIndicator = styled(IconButton, { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'ClearIndicator', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.clearIndicator; } })({ marginRight: -2, padding: 4, visibility: 'hidden' }); var AutocompletePopupIndicator = styled(IconButton, { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'PopupIndicator', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(_ref6, styles) { var ownerState = _ref6.ownerState; return _extends({}, styles.popupIndicator, ownerState.popupOpen && styles.popupIndicatorOpen); } })({ padding: 2, marginRight: -2, variants: [{ props: { popupOpen: true }, style: { transform: 'rotate(180deg)' } }] }); var AutocompletePopper = styled(Popper, { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'Popper', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { var ownerState = props.ownerState; return [_defineProperty({}, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.option), styles.option), styles.popper, ownerState.disablePortal && styles.popperDisablePortal]; } })(function (_ref8) { var theme = _ref8.theme; return { zIndex: (theme.vars || theme).zIndex.modal, variants: [{ props: { disablePortal: true }, style: { position: 'absolute' } }] }; }); var AutocompletePaper = styled(Paper, { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'Paper', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.paper; } })(function (_ref9) { var theme = _ref9.theme; return _extends({}, theme.typography.body1, { overflow: 'auto' }); }); var AutocompleteLoading = styled('div', { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'Loading', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.loading; } })(function (_ref10) { var theme = _ref10.theme; return { color: (theme.vars || theme).palette.text.secondary, padding: '14px 16px' }; }); var AutocompleteNoOptions = styled('div', { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'NoOptions', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.noOptions; } })(function (_ref11) { var theme = _ref11.theme; return { color: (theme.vars || theme).palette.text.secondary, padding: '14px 16px' }; }); var AutocompleteListbox = styled('div', { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'Listbox', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.listbox; } })(function (_ref12) { var theme = _ref12.theme; return _defineProperty({ listStyle: 'none', margin: 0, padding: '8px 0', maxHeight: '40vh', overflow: 'auto', position: 'relative' }, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.option), _defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty(_defineProperty({ minHeight: 48, display: 'flex', overflow: 'hidden', justifyContent: 'flex-start', alignItems: 'center', cursor: 'pointer', paddingTop: 6, boxSizing: 'border-box', outline: '0', WebkitTapHighlightColor: 'transparent', paddingBottom: 6, paddingLeft: 16, paddingRight: 16 }, theme.breakpoints.up('sm'), { minHeight: 'auto' }), "&.".concat(autocompleteClasses.focused), { backgroundColor: (theme.vars || theme).palette.action.hover, // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity '@media (hover: none)': { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } }), '&[aria-disabled="true"]', { opacity: (theme.vars || theme).palette.action.disabledOpacity, pointerEvents: 'none' }), "&.".concat(autocompleteClasses.focusVisible), { backgroundColor: (theme.vars || theme).palette.action.focus }), '&[aria-selected="true"]', _defineProperty(_defineProperty({ backgroundColor: theme.vars ? "rgba(".concat(theme.vars.palette.primary.mainChannel, " / ").concat(theme.vars.palette.action.selectedOpacity, ")") : alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity) }, "&.".concat(autocompleteClasses.focused), { backgroundColor: theme.vars ? "rgba(".concat(theme.vars.palette.primary.mainChannel, " / calc(").concat(theme.vars.palette.action.selectedOpacity, " + ").concat(theme.vars.palette.action.hoverOpacity, "))") : alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity + theme.palette.action.hoverOpacity), // Reset on touch devices, it doesn't add specificity '@media (hover: none)': { backgroundColor: (theme.vars || theme).palette.action.selected } }), "&.".concat(autocompleteClasses.focusVisible), { backgroundColor: theme.vars ? "rgba(".concat(theme.vars.palette.primary.mainChannel, " / calc(").concat(theme.vars.palette.action.selectedOpacity, " + ").concat(theme.vars.palette.action.focusOpacity, "))") : alpha(theme.palette.primary.main, theme.palette.action.selectedOpacity + theme.palette.action.focusOpacity) }))); }); var AutocompleteGroupLabel = styled(ListSubheader, { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'GroupLabel', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.groupLabel; } })(function (_ref14) { var theme = _ref14.theme; return { backgroundColor: (theme.vars || theme).palette.background.paper, top: -8 }; }); var AutocompleteGroupUl = styled('ul', { name: 'MuiAutocomplete', slot: 'GroupUl', overridesResolver: function overridesResolver(props, styles) { return styles.groupUl; } })(_defineProperty({ padding: 0 }, "& .".concat(autocompleteClasses.option), { paddingLeft: 24 })); export { createFilterOptions }; var Autocomplete = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function Autocomplete(inProps, ref) { var _slotProps$clearIndic, _slotProps$paper, _slotProps$popper, _slotProps$popupIndic; var props = useThemeProps({ props: inProps, name: 'MuiAutocomplete' }); /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ var _props$autoComplete = props.autoComplete, autoComplete = _props$autoComplete === void 0 ? false : _props$autoComplete, _props$autoHighlight = props.autoHighlight, autoHighlight = _props$autoHighlight === void 0 ? false : _props$autoHighlight, _props$autoSelect = props.autoSelect, autoSelect = _props$autoSelect === void 0 ? false : _props$autoSelect, _props$blurOnSelect = props.blurOnSelect, blurOnSelect = _props$blurOnSelect === void 0 ? false : _props$blurOnSelect, ChipProps = props.ChipProps, className = props.className, _props$clearIcon = props.clearIcon, clearIcon = _props$clearIcon === void 0 ? _ClearIcon || (_ClearIcon = /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(ClearIcon, { fontSize: "small" })) : _props$clearIcon, _props$clearOnBlur = props.clearOnBlur, clearOnBlur = _props$clearOnBlur === void 0 ? !props.freeSolo : _props$clearOnBlur, _props$clearOnEscape = props.clearOnEscape, clearOnEscape = _props$clearOnEscape === void 0 ? false : _props$clearOnEscape, _props$clearText = props.clearText, clearText = _props$clearText === void 0 ? 'Clear' : _props$clearText, _props$closeText = props.closeText, closeText = _props$closeText === void 0 ? 'Close' : _props$closeText, _props$componentsProp = props.componentsProps, componentsProps = _props$componentsProp === void 0 ? {} : _props$componentsProp, _props$defaultValue = props.defaultValue, defaultValue = _props$defaultValue === void 0 ? props.multiple ? [] : null : _props$defaultValue, _props$disableClearab = props.disableClearable, disableClearable = _props$disableClearab === void 0 ? false : _props$disableClearab, _props$disableCloseOn = props.disableCloseOnSelect, disableCloseOnSelect = _props$disableCloseOn === void 0 ? false : _props$disableCloseOn, _props$disabled = props.disabled, disabled = _props$disabled === void 0 ? false : _props$disabled, _props$disabledItemsF = props.disabledItemsFocusable, disabledItemsFocusable = _props$disabledItemsF === void 0 ? false : _props$disabledItemsF, _props$disableListWra = props.disableListWrap, disableListWrap = _props$disableListWra === void 0 ? false : _props$disableListWra, _props$disablePortal = props.disablePortal, disablePortal = _props$disablePortal === void 0 ? false : _props$disablePortal, filterOptions = props.filterOptions, _props$filterSelected = props.filterSelectedOptions, filterSelectedOptions = _props$filterSelected === void 0 ? false : _props$filterSelected, _props$forcePopupIcon = props.forcePopupIcon, forcePopupIcon = _props$forcePopupIcon === void 0 ? 'auto' : _props$forcePopupIcon, _props$freeSolo = props.freeSolo, freeSolo = _props$freeSolo === void 0 ? false : _props$freeSolo, _props$fullWidth = props.fullWidth, fullWidth = _props$fullWidth === void 0 ? false : _props$fullWidth, _props$getLimitTagsTe = props.getLimitTagsText, getLimitTagsText = _props$getLimitTagsTe === void 0 ? function (more) { return "+".concat(more); } : _props$getLimitTagsTe, getOptionDisabled = props.getOptionDisabled, getOptionKey = props.getOptionKey, getOptionLabelProp = props.getOptionLabel, isOptionEqualToValue = props.isOptionEqualToValue, groupBy = props.groupBy, _props$handleHomeEndK = props.handleHomeEndKeys, handleHomeEndKeys = _props$handleHomeEndK === void 0 ? !props.freeSolo : _props$handleHomeEndK, idProp = props.id, _props$includeInputIn = props.includeInputInList, includeInputInList = _props$includeInputIn === void 0 ? false : _props$includeInputIn, inputValueProp = props.inputValue, _props$limitTags = props.limitTags, limitTags = _props$limitTags === void 0 ? -1 : _props$limitTags, _props$ListboxCompone = props.ListboxComponent, ListboxComponent = _props$ListboxCompone === void 0 ? 'ul' : _props$ListboxCompone, ListboxProps = props.ListboxProps, _props$loading = props.loading, loading = _props$loading === void 0 ? false : _props$loading, _props$loadingText = props.loadingText, loadingText = _props$loadingText === void 0 ? 'Loading…' : _props$loadingText, _props$multiple = props.multiple, multiple = _props$multiple === void 0 ? false : _props$multiple, _props$noOptionsText = props.noOptionsText, noOptionsText = _props$noOptionsText === void 0 ? 'No options' : _props$noOptionsText, onChange = props.onChange, onClose = props.onClose, onHighlightChange = props.onHighlightChange, onInputChange = props.onInputChange, onOpen = props.onOpen, open = props.open, _props$openOnFocus = props.openOnFocus, openOnFocus = _props$openOnFocus === void 0 ? false : _props$openOnFocus, _props$openText = props.openText, openText = _props$openText === void 0 ? 'Open' : _props$openText, options = props.options, _props$PaperComponent = props.PaperComponent, PaperComponent = _props$PaperComponent === void 0 ? Paper : _props$PaperComponent, _props$PopperComponen = props.PopperComponent, PopperComponent = _props$PopperComponen === void 0 ? Popper : _props$PopperComponen, _props$popupIcon = props.popupIcon, popupIcon = _props$popupIcon === void 0 ? _ArrowDropDownIcon || (_ArrowDropDownIcon = /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(ArrowDropDownIcon, {})) : _props$popupIcon, _props$readOnly = props.readOnly, readOnly = _props$readOnly === void 0 ? false : _props$readOnly, renderGroupProp = props.renderGroup, renderInput = props.renderInput, renderOptionProp = props.renderOption, renderTags = props.renderTags, _props$selectOnFocus = props.selectOnFocus, selectOnFocus = _props$selectOnFocus === void 0 ? !props.freeSolo : _props$selectOnFocus, _props$size = props.size, size = _props$size === void 0 ? 'medium' : _props$size, _props$slotProps = props.slotProps, slotProps = _props$slotProps === void 0 ? {} : _props$slotProps, valueProp = props.value, other = _objectWithoutProperties(props, ["autoComplete", "autoHighlight", "autoSelect", "blurOnSelect", "ChipProps", "className", "clearIcon", "clearOnBlur", "clearOnEscape", "clearText", "closeText", "componentsProps", "defaultValue", "disableClearable", "disableCloseOnSelect", "disabled", "disabledItemsFocusable", "disableListWrap", "disablePortal", "filterOptions", "filterSelectedOptions", "forcePopupIcon", "freeSolo", "fullWidth", "getLimitTagsText", "getOptionDisabled", "getOptionKey", "getOptionLabel", "isOptionEqualToValue", "groupBy", "handleHomeEndKeys", "id", "includeInputInList", "inputValue", "limitTags", "ListboxComponent", "ListboxProps", "loading", "loadingText", "multiple", "noOptionsText", "onChange", "onClose", "onHighlightChange", "onInputChange", "onOpen", "open", "openOnFocus", "openText", "options", "PaperComponent", "PopperComponent", "popupIcon", "readOnly", "renderGroup", "renderInput", "renderOption", "renderTags", "selectOnFocus", "size", "slotProps", "value"]); /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ var _useAutocomplete = useAutocomplete(_extends({}, props, { componentName: 'Autocomplete' })), getRootProps = _useAutocomplete.getRootProps, getInputProps = _useAutocomplete.getInputProps, getInputLabelProps = _useAutocomplete.getInputLabelProps, getPopupIndicatorProps = _useAutocomplete.getPopupIndicatorProps, getClearProps = _useAutocomplete.getClearProps, getTagProps = _useAutocomplete.getTagProps, getListboxProps = _useAutocomplete.getListboxProps, getOptionProps = _useAutocomplete.getOptionProps, value = _useAutocomplete.value, dirty = _useAutocomplete.dirty, expanded = _useAutocomplete.expanded, id = _useAutocomplete.id, popupOpen = _useAutocomplete.popupOpen, focused = _useAutocomplete.focused, focusedTag = _useAutocomplete.focusedTag, anchorEl = _useAutocomplete.anchorEl, setAnchorEl = _useAutocomplete.setAnchorEl, inputValue = _useAutocomplete.inputValue, groupedOptions = _useAutocomplete.groupedOptions; var hasClearIcon = !disableClearable && !disabled && dirty && !readOnly; var hasPopupIcon = (!freeSolo || forcePopupIcon === true) && forcePopupIcon !== false; var _getInputProps = getInputProps(), handleInputMouseDown = _getInputProps.onMouseDown; var _ref15 = ListboxProps != null ? ListboxProps : {}, externalListboxRef = _ref15.ref; var _getListboxProps = getListboxProps(), listboxRef = _getListboxProps.ref, otherListboxProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_getListboxProps, ["ref"]); var combinedListboxRef = useForkRef(listboxRef, externalListboxRef); var defaultGetOptionLabel = function defaultGetOptionLabel(option) { var _option$label; return (_option$label = option.label) != null ? _option$label : option; }; var getOptionLabel = getOptionLabelProp || defaultGetOptionLabel; // If you modify this, make sure to keep the `AutocompleteOwnerState` type in sync. var ownerState = _extends({}, props, { disablePortal: disablePortal, expanded: expanded, focused: focused, fullWidth: fullWidth, getOptionLabel: getOptionLabel, hasClearIcon: hasClearIcon, hasPopupIcon: hasPopupIcon, inputFocused: focusedTag === -1, popupOpen: popupOpen, size: size }); var classes = useUtilityClasses(ownerState); var startAdornment; if (multiple && value.length > 0) { var getCustomizedTagProps = function getCustomizedTagProps(params) { return _extends({ className: classes.tag, disabled: disabled }, getTagProps(params)); }; if (renderTags) { startAdornment = renderTags(value, getCustomizedTagProps, ownerState); } else { startAdornment = value.map(function (option, index) { return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(Chip, _extends({ label: getOptionLabel(option), size: size }, getCustomizedTagProps({ index: index }), ChipProps)); }); } } if (limitTags > -1 && Array.isArray(startAdornment)) { var more = startAdornment.length - limitTags; if (!focused && more > 0) { startAdornment = startAdornment.splice(0, limitTags); startAdornment.push( /*#__PURE__*/_jsx("span", { className: classes.tag, children: getLimitTagsText(more) }, startAdornment.length)); } } var defaultRenderGroup = function defaultRenderGroup(params) { return /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs("li", { children: [/*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteGroupLabel, { className: classes.groupLabel, ownerState: ownerState, component: "div", children: params.group }), /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteGroupUl, { className: classes.groupUl, ownerState: ownerState, children: params.children })] }, params.key); }; var renderGroup = renderGroupProp || defaultRenderGroup; var defaultRenderOption = function defaultRenderOption(props2, option) { // Need to clearly apply key because of https://github.com/vercel/next.js/issues/55642 return /*#__PURE__*/_createElement("li", _extends({}, props2, { key: props2.key }), getOptionLabel(option)); }; var renderOption = renderOptionProp || defaultRenderOption; var renderListOption = function renderListOption(option, index) { var optionProps = getOptionProps({ option: option, index: index }); return renderOption(_extends({}, optionProps, { className: classes.option }), option, { selected: optionProps['aria-selected'], index: index, inputValue: inputValue }, ownerState); }; var clearIndicatorSlotProps = (_slotProps$clearIndic = slotProps.clearIndicator) != null ? _slotProps$clearIndic : componentsProps.clearIndicator; var paperSlotProps = (_slotProps$paper = slotProps.paper) != null ? _slotProps$paper : componentsProps.paper; var popperSlotProps = (_slotProps$popper = slotProps.popper) != null ? _slotProps$popper : componentsProps.popper; var popupIndicatorSlotProps = (_slotProps$popupIndic = slotProps.popupIndicator) != null ? _slotProps$popupIndic : componentsProps.popupIndicator; var renderAutocompletePopperChildren = function renderAutocompletePopperChildren(children) { return /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompletePopper, _extends({ as: PopperComponent, disablePortal: disablePortal, style: { width: anchorEl ? anchorEl.clientWidth : null }, ownerState: ownerState, role: "presentation", anchorEl: anchorEl, open: popupOpen }, popperSlotProps, { className: clsx(classes.popper, popperSlotProps == null ? void 0 : popperSlotProps.className), children: /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompletePaper, _extends({ ownerState: ownerState, as: PaperComponent }, paperSlotProps, { className: clsx(classes.paper, paperSlotProps == null ? void 0 : paperSlotProps.className), children: children })) })); }; var autocompletePopper = null; if (groupedOptions.length > 0) { autocompletePopper = renderAutocompletePopperChildren( /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteListbox, _extends({ as: ListboxComponent, className: classes.listbox, ownerState: ownerState }, otherListboxProps, ListboxProps, { ref: combinedListboxRef, children: groupedOptions.map(function (option, index) { if (groupBy) { return renderGroup({ key: option.key, group: option.group, children: option.options.map(function (option2, index2) { return renderListOption(option2, option.index + index2); }) }); } return renderListOption(option, index); }) }))); } else if (loading && groupedOptions.length === 0) { autocompletePopper = renderAutocompletePopperChildren( /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteLoading, { className: classes.loading, ownerState: ownerState, children: loadingText })); } else if (groupedOptions.length === 0 && !freeSolo && !loading) { autocompletePopper = renderAutocompletePopperChildren( /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteNoOptions, { className: classes.noOptions, ownerState: ownerState, role: "presentation", onMouseDown: function onMouseDown(event) { // Prevent input blur when interacting with the "no options" content event.preventDefault(); }, children: noOptionsText })); } return /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(React.Fragment, { children: [/*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteRoot, _extends({ ref: ref, className: clsx(classes.root, className), ownerState: ownerState }, getRootProps(other), { children: renderInput({ id: id, disabled: disabled, fullWidth: true, size: size === 'small' ? 'small' : undefined, InputLabelProps: getInputLabelProps(), InputProps: _extends({ ref: setAnchorEl, className: classes.inputRoot, startAdornment: startAdornment, onClick: function onClick(event) { if (event.target === event.currentTarget) { handleInputMouseDown(event); } } }, (hasClearIcon || hasPopupIcon) && { endAdornment: /*#__PURE__*/_jsxs(AutocompleteEndAdornment, { className: classes.endAdornment, ownerState: ownerState, children: [hasClearIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompleteClearIndicator, _extends({}, getClearProps(), { "aria-label": clearText, title: clearText, ownerState: ownerState }, clearIndicatorSlotProps, { className: clsx(classes.clearIndicator, clearIndicatorSlotProps == null ? void 0 : clearIndicatorSlotProps.className), children: clearIcon })) : null, hasPopupIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/_jsx(AutocompletePopupIndicator, _extends({}, getPopupIndicatorProps(), { disabled: disabled, "aria-label": popupOpen ? closeText : openText, title: popupOpen ? closeText : openText, ownerState: ownerState }, popupIndicatorSlotProps, { className: clsx(classes.popupIndicator, popupIndicatorSlotProps == null ? void 0 : popupIndicatorSlotProps.className), children: popupIcon })) : null] }) }), inputProps: _extends({ className: classes.input, disabled: disabled, readOnly: readOnly }, getInputProps()) }) })), anchorEl ? autocompletePopper : null] }); }); process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Autocomplete.propTypes /* remove-proptypes */ = { // ┌────────────────────────────── Warning ──────────────────────────────┐ // │ These PropTypes are generated from the TypeScript type definitions. │ // │ To update them, edit the d.ts file and run `pnpm proptypes`. │ // └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ /** * If `true`, the portion of the selected suggestion that the user hasn't typed, * known as the completion string, appears inline after the input cursor in the textbox. * The inline completion string is visually highlighted and has a selected state. * @default false */ autoComplete: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the first option is automatically highlighted. * @default false */ autoHighlight: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the selected option becomes the value of the input * when the Autocomplete loses focus unless the user chooses * a different option or changes the character string in the input. * * When using the `freeSolo` mode, the typed value will be the input value * if the Autocomplete loses focus without highlighting an option. * @default false */ autoSelect: PropTypes.bool, /** * Control if the input should be blurred when an option is selected: * * - `false` the input is not blurred. * - `true` the input is always blurred. * - `touch` the input is blurred after a touch event. * - `mouse` the input is blurred after a mouse event. * @default false */ blurOnSelect: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['mouse', 'touch']), PropTypes.bool]), /** * Props applied to the [`Chip`](/material-ui/api/chip/) element. */ ChipProps: PropTypes.object, /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes: PropTypes.object, /** * @ignore */ className: PropTypes.string, /** * The icon to display in place of the default clear icon. * @default */ clearIcon: PropTypes.node, /** * If `true`, the input's text is cleared on blur if no value is selected. * * Set it to `true` if you want to help the user enter a new value. * Set it to `false` if you want to help the user resume their search. * @default !props.freeSolo */ clearOnBlur: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, clear all values when the user presses escape and the popup is closed. * @default false */ clearOnEscape: PropTypes.bool, /** * Override the default text for the *clear* icon button. * * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/material-ui/guides/localization/). * @default 'Clear' */ clearText: PropTypes.string, /** * Override the default text for the *close popup* icon button. * * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/material-ui/guides/localization/). * @default 'Close' */ closeText: PropTypes.string, /** * The props used for each slot inside. * @default {} */ componentsProps: PropTypes.shape({ clearIndicator: PropTypes.object, paper: PropTypes.object, popper: PropTypes.object, popupIndicator: PropTypes.object }), /** * The default value. Use when the component is not controlled. * @default props.multiple ? [] : null */ defaultValue: chainPropTypes(PropTypes.any, function (props) { if (props.multiple && props.defaultValue !== undefined && !Array.isArray(props.defaultValue)) { return new Error(['MUI: The Autocomplete expects the `defaultValue` prop to be an array when `multiple={true}` or undefined.', "However, ".concat(props.defaultValue, " was provided.")].join('\n')); } return null; }), /** * If `true`, the input can't be cleared. * @default false */ disableClearable: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the popup won't close when a value is selected. * @default false */ disableCloseOnSelect: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the component is disabled. * @default false */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, will allow focus on disabled items. * @default false */ disabledItemsFocusable: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the list box in the popup will not wrap focus. * @default false */ disableListWrap: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the `Popper` content will be under the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. * @default false */ disablePortal: PropTypes.bool, /** * A function that determines the filtered options to be rendered on search. * * @default createFilterOptions() * @param {Value[]} options The options to render. * @param {object} state The state of the component. * @returns {Value[]} */ filterOptions: PropTypes.func, /** * If `true`, hide the selected options from the list box. * @default false */ filterSelectedOptions: PropTypes.bool, /** * Force the visibility display of the popup icon. * @default 'auto' */ forcePopupIcon: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['auto']), PropTypes.bool]), /** * If `true`, the Autocomplete is free solo, meaning that the user input is not bound to provided options. * @default false */ freeSolo: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the input will take up the full width of its container. * @default false */ fullWidth: PropTypes.bool, /** * The label to display when the tags are truncated (`limitTags`). * * @param {number} more The number of truncated tags. * @returns {ReactNode} * @default (more) => `+${more}` */ getLimitTagsText: PropTypes.func, /** * Used to determine the disabled state for a given option. * * @param {Value} option The option to test. * @returns {boolean} */ getOptionDisabled: PropTypes.func, /** * Used to determine the key for a given option. * This can be useful when the labels of options are not unique (since labels are used as keys by default). * * @param {Value} option The option to get the key for. * @returns {string | number} */ getOptionKey: PropTypes.func, /** * Used to determine the string value for a given option. * It's used to fill the input (and the list box options if `renderOption` is not provided). * * If used in free solo mode, it must accept both the type of the options and a string. * * @param {Value} option * @returns {string} * @default (option) => option.label ?? option */ getOptionLabel: PropTypes.func, /** * If provided, the options will be grouped under the returned string. * The groupBy value is also used as the text for group headings when `renderGroup` is not provided. * * @param {Value} options The options to group. * @returns {string} */ groupBy: PropTypes.func, /** * If `true`, the component handles the "Home" and "End" keys when the popup is open. * It should move focus to the first option and last option, respectively. * @default !props.freeSolo */ handleHomeEndKeys: PropTypes.bool, /** * This prop is used to help implement the accessibility logic. * If you don't provide an id it will fall back to a randomly generated one. */ id: PropTypes.string, /** * If `true`, the highlight can move to the input. * @default false */ includeInputInList: PropTypes.bool, /** * The input value. */ inputValue: PropTypes.string, /** * Used to determine if the option represents the given value. * Uses strict equality by default. * ⚠️ Both arguments need to be handled, an option can only match with one value. * * @param {Value} option The option to test. * @param {Value} value The value to test against. * @returns {boolean} */ isOptionEqualToValue: PropTypes.func, /** * The maximum number of tags that will be visible when not focused. * Set `-1` to disable the limit. * @default -1 */ limitTags: integerPropType, /** * The component used to render the listbox. * @default 'ul' */ ListboxComponent: PropTypes.elementType, /** * Props applied to the Listbox element. */ ListboxProps: PropTypes.object, /** * If `true`, the component is in a loading state. * This shows the `loadingText` in place of suggestions (only if there are no suggestions to show, for example `options` are empty). * @default false */ loading: PropTypes.bool, /** * Text to display when in a loading state. * * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/material-ui/guides/localization/). * @default 'Loading…' */ loadingText: PropTypes.node, /** * If `true`, `value` must be an array and the menu will support multiple selections. * @default false */ multiple: PropTypes.bool, /** * Text to display when there are no options. * * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/material-ui/guides/localization/). * @default 'No options' */ noOptionsText: PropTypes.node, /** * Callback fired when the value changes. * * @param {React.SyntheticEvent} event The event source of the callback. * @param {Value|Value[]} value The new value of the component. * @param {string} reason One of "createOption", "selectOption", "removeOption", "blur" or "clear". * @param {string} [details] */ onChange: PropTypes.func, /** * Callback fired when the popup requests to be closed. * Use in controlled mode (see open). * * @param {React.SyntheticEvent} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"toggleInput"`, `"escape"`, `"selectOption"`, `"removeOption"`, `"blur"`. */ onClose: PropTypes.func, /** * Callback fired when the highlight option changes. * * @param {React.SyntheticEvent} event The event source of the callback. * @param {Value} option The highlighted option. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"keyboard"`, `"auto"`, `"mouse"`, `"touch"`. */ onHighlightChange: PropTypes.func, /** * Callback fired when the input value changes. * * @param {React.SyntheticEvent} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} value The new value of the text input. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"input"` (user input), `"reset"` (programmatic change), `"clear"`. */ onInputChange: PropTypes.func, /** * @ignore */ onKeyDown: PropTypes.func, /** * Callback fired when the popup requests to be opened. * Use in controlled mode (see open). * * @param {React.SyntheticEvent} event The event source of the callback. */ onOpen: PropTypes.func, /** * If `true`, the component is shown. */ open: PropTypes.bool, /** * If `true`, the popup will open on input focus. * @default false */ openOnFocus: PropTypes.bool, /** * Override the default text for the *open popup* icon button. * * For localization purposes, you can use the provided [translations](/material-ui/guides/localization/). * @default 'Open' */ openText: PropTypes.string, /** * Array of options. */ options: PropTypes.array.isRequired, /** * The component used to render the body of the popup. * @default Paper */ PaperComponent: PropTypes.elementType, /** * The component used to position the popup. * @default Popper */ PopperComponent: PropTypes.elementType, /** * The icon to display in place of the default popup icon. * @default */ popupIcon: PropTypes.node, /** * If `true`, the component becomes readonly. It is also supported for multiple tags where the tag cannot be deleted. * @default false */ readOnly: PropTypes.bool, /** * Render the group. * * @param {AutocompleteRenderGroupParams} params The group to render. * @returns {ReactNode} */ renderGroup: PropTypes.func, /** * Render the input. * * @param {object} params * @returns {ReactNode} */ renderInput: PropTypes.func.isRequired, /** * Render the option, use `getOptionLabel` by default. * * @param {object} props The props to apply on the li element. * @param {Value} option The option to render. * @param {object} state The state of each option. * @param {object} ownerState The state of the Autocomplete component. * @returns {ReactNode} */ renderOption: PropTypes.func, /** * Render the selected value. * * @param {Value[]} value The `value` provided to the component. * @param {function} getTagProps A tag props getter. * @param {object} ownerState The state of the Autocomplete component. * @returns {ReactNode} */ renderTags: PropTypes.func, /** * If `true`, the input's text is selected on focus. * It helps the user clear the selected value. * @default !props.freeSolo */ selectOnFocus: PropTypes.bool, /** * The size of the component. * @default 'medium' */ size: PropTypes /* @typescript-to-proptypes-ignore */.oneOfType([PropTypes.oneOf(['small', 'medium']), PropTypes.string]), /** * The props used for each slot inside. * @default {} */ slotProps: PropTypes.shape({ clearIndicator: PropTypes.object, paper: PropTypes.object, popper: PropTypes.object, popupIndicator: PropTypes.object }), /** * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. */ sx: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object, PropTypes.bool])), PropTypes.func, PropTypes.object]), /** * The value of the autocomplete. * * The value must have reference equality with the option in order to be selected. * You can customize the equality behavior with the `isOptionEqualToValue` prop. */ value: chainPropTypes(PropTypes.any, function (props) { if (props.multiple && props.value !== undefined && !Array.isArray(props.value)) { return new Error(['MUI: The Autocomplete expects the `value` prop to be an array when `multiple={true}` or undefined.', "However, ".concat(props.value, " was provided.")].join('\n')); } return null; }) } : void 0; export default Autocomplete;