export interface TooltipClasses { /** Styles applied to the Popper component. */ popper: string; /** Styles applied to the Popper component unless `disableInteractive={true}`. */ popperInteractive: string; /** Styles applied to the Popper component if `arrow={true}`. */ popperArrow: string; /** Styles applied to the Popper component unless the tooltip is open. */ popperClose: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element. */ tooltip: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `arrow={true}`. */ tooltipArrow: string; /** Styles applied to the arrow element. */ arrow: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if the tooltip is opened by touch. */ touch: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "left". */ tooltipPlacementLeft: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "right". */ tooltipPlacementRight: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "top". */ tooltipPlacementTop: string; /** Styles applied to the tooltip (label wrapper) element if `placement` contains "bottom". */ tooltipPlacementBottom: string; } export type TooltipClassKey = keyof TooltipClasses; export declare function getTooltipUtilityClass(slot: string): string; declare const tooltipClasses: TooltipClasses; export default tooltipClasses;