import * as React from 'react'; import { SxProps } from '@mui/system'; import { Theme } from '../styles'; import { InternalStandardProps as StandardProps } from '..'; import { FabProps } from '../Fab'; import { TransitionProps } from '../transitions'; import { SpeedDialClasses } from './speedDialClasses'; export type CloseReason = 'toggle' | 'blur' | 'mouseLeave' | 'escapeKeyDown'; export type OpenReason = 'toggle' | 'focus' | 'mouseEnter'; export interface SpeedDialProps extends StandardProps, 'children'> { /** * SpeedDialActions to display when the SpeedDial is `open`. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes?: Partial; /** * The aria-label of the button element. * Also used to provide the `id` for the `SpeedDial` element and its children. */ ariaLabel: string; /** * The direction the actions open relative to the floating action button. * @default 'up' */ direction?: 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right'; /** * If `true`, the SpeedDial is hidden. * @default false */ hidden?: boolean; /** * Props applied to the [`Fab`](/material-ui/api/fab/) element. * @default {} */ FabProps?: Partial; /** * The icon to display in the SpeedDial Fab. The `SpeedDialIcon` component * provides a default Icon with animation. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed. * * @param {object} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"toggle"`, `"blur"`, `"mouseLeave"`, `"escapeKeyDown"`. */ onClose?: (event: React.SyntheticEvent<{}>, reason: CloseReason) => void; /** * Callback fired when the component requests to be open. * * @param {object} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"toggle"`, `"focus"`, `"mouseEnter"`. */ onOpen?: (event: React.SyntheticEvent<{}>, reason: OpenReason) => void; /** * If `true`, the component is shown. */ open?: boolean; /** * The icon to display in the SpeedDial Fab when the SpeedDial is open. */ openIcon?: React.ReactNode; /** * The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles. */ sx?: SxProps; /** * The component used for the transition. * [Follow this guide](/material-ui/transitions/#transitioncomponent-prop) to learn more about the requirements for this component. * @default Zoom */ TransitionComponent?: React.JSXElementConstructor; /** * The duration for the transition, in milliseconds. * You may specify a single timeout for all transitions, or individually with an object. * @default { * enter: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen, * exit: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen, * } */ transitionDuration?: TransitionProps['timeout']; /** * Props applied to the transition element. * By default, the element is based on this [`Transition`]( component. */ TransitionProps?: TransitionProps; } /** * * Demos: * * - [Speed Dial]( * * API: * * - [SpeedDial API]( */ export default function SpeedDial(props: SpeedDialProps): JSX.Element;