"use strict"; 'use client'; var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault"); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.useList = useList; var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/extends")); var React = _interopRequireWildcard(require("react")); var _utils = require("@mui/utils"); var _listActions = require("./listActions.types"); var _listReducer = require("./listReducer"); var _useControllableReducer = require("../utils/useControllableReducer"); var _areArraysEqual = require("../utils/areArraysEqual"); var _useTextNavigation = require("../utils/useTextNavigation"); var _extractEventHandlers = require("../utils/extractEventHandlers"); function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); } function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || "object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : n[u] = e[u]; } return n.default = e, t && t.set(e, n), n; } const EMPTY_OBJECT = {}; const NOOP = () => {}; const defaultItemComparer = (optionA, optionB) => optionA === optionB; const defaultIsItemDisabled = () => false; const defaultItemStringifier = item => typeof item === 'string' ? item : String(item); const defaultGetInitialState = () => ({ highlightedValue: null, selectedValues: [] }); /** * The useList is a lower-level utility that is used to build list-like components. * It's used to manage the state of the list and its items. * * Supports highlighting a single item and selecting an arbitrary number of items. * * The state of the list is managed by a controllable reducer - that is a reducer that can have its state * controlled from outside. * * By default, the state consists of `selectedValues` and `highlightedValue` but can be extended by the caller of the hook. * Also the actions that can be dispatched and the reducer function can be defined externally. * * @template ItemValue The type of the item values. * @template State The type of the list state. This should be a subtype of `ListState`. * @template CustomAction The type of the actions that can be dispatched (besides the standard ListAction). * @template CustomActionContext The shape of additional properties that will be added to actions when dispatched. * * @ignore - internal hook. */ function useList(params) { const { controlledProps = EMPTY_OBJECT, disabledItemsFocusable = false, disableListWrap = false, focusManagement = 'activeDescendant', getInitialState = defaultGetInitialState, getItemDomElement, getItemId, isItemDisabled = defaultIsItemDisabled, rootRef: externalListRef, onStateChange = NOOP, items, itemComparer = defaultItemComparer, getItemAsString = defaultItemStringifier, onChange, onHighlightChange, onItemsChange, orientation = 'vertical', pageSize = 5, reducerActionContext = EMPTY_OBJECT, selectionMode = 'single', stateReducer: externalReducer, componentName = 'useList' } = params; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { if (focusManagement === 'DOM' && getItemDomElement == null) { throw new Error('useList: The `getItemDomElement` prop is required when using the `DOM` focus management.'); } if (focusManagement === 'activeDescendant' && getItemId == null) { throw new Error('useList: The `getItemId` prop is required when using the `activeDescendant` focus management.'); } } const listRef = React.useRef(null); const handleRef = (0, _utils.unstable_useForkRef)(externalListRef, listRef); const handleHighlightChange = React.useCallback((event, value, reason) => { onHighlightChange == null || onHighlightChange(event, value, reason); if (focusManagement === 'DOM' && value != null && (reason === _listActions.ListActionTypes.itemClick || reason === _listActions.ListActionTypes.keyDown || reason === _listActions.ListActionTypes.textNavigation)) { var _getItemDomElement; getItemDomElement == null || (_getItemDomElement = getItemDomElement(value)) == null || _getItemDomElement.focus(); } }, [getItemDomElement, onHighlightChange, focusManagement]); const stateComparers = React.useMemo(() => ({ highlightedValue: itemComparer, selectedValues: (valuesArray1, valuesArray2) => (0, _areArraysEqual.areArraysEqual)(valuesArray1, valuesArray2, itemComparer) }), [itemComparer]); // This gets called whenever a reducer changes the state. const handleStateChange = React.useCallback((event, field, value, reason, state) => { onStateChange == null || onStateChange(event, field, value, reason, state); switch (field) { case 'highlightedValue': handleHighlightChange(event, value, reason); break; case 'selectedValues': onChange == null || onChange(event, value, reason); break; default: break; } }, [handleHighlightChange, onChange, onStateChange]); // The following object is added to each action when it's dispatched. // It's accessible in the reducer via the `action.context` field. const listActionContext = React.useMemo(() => { return { disabledItemsFocusable, disableListWrap, focusManagement, isItemDisabled, itemComparer, items, getItemAsString, onHighlightChange: handleHighlightChange, orientation, pageSize, selectionMode, stateComparers }; }, [disabledItemsFocusable, disableListWrap, focusManagement, isItemDisabled, itemComparer, items, getItemAsString, handleHighlightChange, orientation, pageSize, selectionMode, stateComparers]); const initialState = getInitialState(); const reducer = externalReducer != null ? externalReducer : _listReducer.listReducer; const actionContext = React.useMemo(() => (0, _extends2.default)({}, reducerActionContext, listActionContext), [reducerActionContext, listActionContext]); const [state, dispatch] = (0, _useControllableReducer.useControllableReducer)({ reducer, actionContext, initialState: initialState, controlledProps, stateComparers, onStateChange: handleStateChange, componentName }); const { highlightedValue, selectedValues } = state; const handleTextNavigation = (0, _useTextNavigation.useTextNavigation)((searchString, event) => dispatch({ type: _listActions.ListActionTypes.textNavigation, event, searchString })); const previousItems = React.useRef([]); React.useEffect(() => { // Whenever the `items` object changes, we need to determine if the actual items changed. // If they did, we need to dispatch an `itemsChange` action, so the selected/highlighted state is updated. if ((0, _areArraysEqual.areArraysEqual)(previousItems.current, items, itemComparer)) { return; } dispatch({ type: _listActions.ListActionTypes.itemsChange, event: null, items, previousItems: previousItems.current }); previousItems.current = items; onItemsChange == null || onItemsChange(items); }, [items, itemComparer, dispatch, onItemsChange]); const createHandleKeyDown = externalHandlers => event => { var _externalHandlers$onK; (_externalHandlers$onK = externalHandlers.onKeyDown) == null || _externalHandlers$onK.call(externalHandlers, event); if (event.defaultMuiPrevented) { return; } const keysToPreventDefault = ['Home', 'End', 'PageUp', 'PageDown']; if (orientation === 'vertical') { keysToPreventDefault.push('ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown'); } else { keysToPreventDefault.push('ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight'); } if (focusManagement === 'activeDescendant') { // When the child element is focused using the activeDescendant attribute, // the list handles keyboard events on its behalf. // We have to `preventDefault()` is this case to prevent the browser from // scrolling the view when space is pressed or submitting forms when enter is pressed. keysToPreventDefault.push(' ', 'Enter'); } if (keysToPreventDefault.includes(event.key)) { event.preventDefault(); } dispatch({ type: _listActions.ListActionTypes.keyDown, key: event.key, event }); handleTextNavigation(event); }; const createHandleBlur = externalHandlers => event => { var _externalHandlers$onB, _listRef$current; (_externalHandlers$onB = externalHandlers.onBlur) == null || _externalHandlers$onB.call(externalHandlers, event); if (event.defaultMuiPrevented) { return; } if ((_listRef$current = listRef.current) != null && _listRef$current.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { // focus remains within the list return; } dispatch({ type: _listActions.ListActionTypes.blur, event }); }; const getRootProps = (externalProps = {}) => { const externalEventHandlers = (0, _extractEventHandlers.extractEventHandlers)(externalProps); return (0, _extends2.default)({}, externalProps, { 'aria-activedescendant': focusManagement === 'activeDescendant' && highlightedValue != null ? getItemId(highlightedValue) : undefined, tabIndex: focusManagement === 'DOM' ? -1 : 0, ref: handleRef }, externalEventHandlers, { onBlur: createHandleBlur(externalEventHandlers), onKeyDown: createHandleKeyDown(externalEventHandlers) }); }; const getItemState = React.useCallback(item => { const selected = (selectedValues != null ? selectedValues : []).some(value => value != null && itemComparer(item, value)); const highlighted = highlightedValue != null && itemComparer(item, highlightedValue); const focusable = focusManagement === 'DOM'; return { focusable, highlighted, selected }; }, [itemComparer, selectedValues, highlightedValue, focusManagement]); const contextValue = React.useMemo(() => ({ dispatch, getItemState }), [dispatch, getItemState]); React.useDebugValue({ state }); return { contextValue, dispatch, getRootProps, rootRef: handleRef, state }; }