export interface NumberInputClasses { /** Class name applied to the root element. */ root: string; /** Class name applied to the root element if the component is a descendant of `FormControl`. */ formControl: string; /** Class name applied to the root element if `startAdornment` is provided. */ adornedStart: string; /** Class name applied to the root element if `endAdornment` is provided. */ adornedEnd: string; /** Class name applied to the root element if the component is focused. */ focused: string; /** Class name applied to the root element if `disabled={true}`. */ disabled: string; /** State class applied to the root element if `readOnly={true}`. */ readOnly: string; /** State class applied to the root element if `error={true}`. */ error: string; /** Class name applied to the input element. */ input: string; /** Class name applied to the increment button element. */ incrementButton: string; /** Class name applied to the decrement button element. */ decrementButton: string; } export type NumberInputClassKey = keyof NumberInputClasses; export declare function getNumberInputUtilityClass(slot: string): string; export declare const numberInputClasses: NumberInputClasses;