import * as React from 'react'; export interface CssAnimationProps { children?: React.ReactNode; className?: string; /** * The name of the CSS animation (the `animation-name` CSS property) applied to the component when * the transition is requested to enter. */ enterAnimationName?: string; /** * The name of the CSS class applied to the component when the transition * is requested to enter. */ enterClassName?: string; /** * The name of the CSS animation (the `animation-name` CSS property) applied to the component when * the transition is requested to exit. */ exitAnimationName?: string; /** * The name of the CSS class applied to the component when the transition * is requested to exit. */ exitClassName?: string; } /** * * Demos: * * - [Transitions]( * * API: * * - [CssAnimation API]( */ declare function CssAnimation(props: CssAnimationProps): React.JSX.Element; declare namespace CssAnimation { var propTypes: any; } export { CssAnimation };