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2024-04-17 13:55:11 +00:00
import {
} from './Box';
// disable automatic export
export {};
// borders.js
export const border: SimpleStyleFunction<'border'>;
export const borderTop: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderTop'>;
export const borderRight: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderRight'>;
export const borderBottom: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderBottom'>;
export const borderLeft: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderLeft'>;
export const borderColor: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderColor'>;
export const borderTopColor: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderTopColor'>;
export const borderRightColor: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderRightColor'>;
export const borderBottomColor: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderBottomColor'>;
export const borderLeftColor: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderLeftColor'>;
export const borderRadius: SimpleStyleFunction<'borderRadius'>;
export type BordersProps = PropsFor<typeof borders>;
// breakpoints.js
type DefaultBreakPoints = 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl';
export { handleBreakpoints, mergeBreakpointsInOrder } from './breakpoints';
* @returns An enhanced stylefunction that considers breakpoints
export function breakpoints<Props, Breakpoints extends string = DefaultBreakPoints>(
styleFunction: StyleFunction<Props>,
): StyleFunction<Partial<Record<Breakpoints, Props>> & Props>;
export function compose<T extends Array<StyleFunction<any>>>(...args: T): ComposedStyleFunction<T>;
export type DisplayProps = PropsFor<typeof display>;
// flexbox.js
export type FlexboxProps = PropsFor<typeof flexbox>;
// grid.js
export type GridProps = PropsFor<typeof grid>;
// palette.js
export const color: SimpleStyleFunction<'color'>;
export const bgcolor: SimpleStyleFunction<'bgcolor'>;
export type PaletteProps = PropsFor<typeof palette>;
export type PositionsProps = PropsFor<typeof positions>;
export type ShadowsProps = PropsFor<typeof shadows>;
// * sizing.js TODO
export const width: SimpleStyleFunction<'width'>;
export const maxWidth: SimpleStyleFunction<'maxWidth'>;
export const minWidth: SimpleStyleFunction<'minWidth'>;
export const height: SimpleStyleFunction<'height'>;
export const maxHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'maxHeight'>;
export const minHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'minHeight'>;
export const sizeWidth: SimpleStyleFunction<'sizeWidth'>;
export const sizeHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'sizeHeight'>;
export const boxSizing: SimpleStyleFunction<'boxSizing'>;
export type SizingProps = PropsFor<typeof sizing>;
// typography.js
export const typographyVariant: SimpleStyleFunction<'typography'>;
export const fontFamily: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontFamily'>;
export const fontSize: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontSize'>;
export const fontStyle: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontStyle'>;
export const fontWeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'fontWeight'>;
export const letterSpacing: SimpleStyleFunction<'letterSpacing'>;
export const lineHeight: SimpleStyleFunction<'lineHeight'>;
export const textAlign: SimpleStyleFunction<'textAlign'>;
export const textTransform: SimpleStyleFunction<'textTransform'>;
export type TypographyProps = PropsFor<typeof typography>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
export function unstable_getThemeValue(prop: string, value: any, theme: object): any;
* The `css` function accepts arrays as values for mobile-first responsive styles.
* Note that this extends to non-theme values also. For example `display=['none', 'block']`
* will also works.
export type ResponsiveStyleValue<T> = T | Array<T | null> | { [key: string]: T | null };
export { DefaultTheme } from '@mui/private-theming';
export {
} from '@mui/styled-engine';
export { default as GlobalStyles } from './GlobalStyles';
export type { GlobalStylesProps } from './GlobalStyles';
export * from './style';
export * from './spacing';
export {
default as unstable_styleFunctionSx,
extendSxProp as unstable_extendSxProp,
} from './styleFunctionSx';
export * from './styleFunctionSx';
// TODO: Remove this function in v6.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
export function experimental_sx(): any;
export { default as Box } from './Box';
export * from './Box';
export { default as createBox } from './createBox';
export * from './createBox';
export { default as createStyled } from './createStyled';
export * from './createStyled';
export { default as styled } from './styled';
export * from './styled';
export { default as createTheme } from './createTheme';
export * from './createTheme';
export { default as createBreakpoints } from './createTheme/createBreakpoints';
export * from './createTheme/createBreakpoints';
export { default as createSpacing } from './createTheme/createSpacing';
export { SpacingOptions, Spacing } from './createTheme/createSpacing';
export { default as shape } from './createTheme/shape';
export * from './createTheme/shape';
export { default as useThemeProps, getThemeProps } from './useThemeProps';
export { default as useTheme } from './useTheme';
export * from './useTheme';
export { default as useThemeWithoutDefault } from './useThemeWithoutDefault';
export * from './useThemeWithoutDefault';
export { default as useMediaQuery } from './useMediaQuery';
export * from './useMediaQuery';
export * from './colorManipulator';
export { default as ThemeProvider } from './ThemeProvider';
export * from './ThemeProvider';
export { default as unstable_createCssVarsProvider, CreateCssVarsProviderResult } from './cssVars';
export { default as unstable_createGetCssVar } from './cssVars/createGetCssVar';
export { default as unstable_cssVarsParser } from './cssVars/cssVarsParser';
export { default as unstable_prepareCssVars } from './cssVars/prepareCssVars';
export { default as unstable_createCssVarsTheme } from './cssVars/createCssVarsTheme';
export * from './cssVars';
export { default as responsivePropType } from './responsivePropType';
export { default as createContainer } from './Container/createContainer';
export * from './Container/createContainer';
export { default as Container } from './Container';
export * from './Container';
export { default as Unstable_Grid } from './Unstable_Grid';
export * from './Unstable_Grid';
export { default as Stack } from './Stack';
export * from './Stack';